Demystifying the Issue with Yup Validation Schema using Conditional Fields
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Demystifying the Issue with Yup Validation Schema using Conditional Fields

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of using Yup validation schema with conditional fields? Do you find yourself stuck in a loop of trial and error, trying to figure out why your validation isn’t working as expected? Fear not, dear developer, for this article is here to guide you through the complexities of Yup validation schema and conditional fields, providing clear and direct instructions to help you overcome the common issues that can arise.

Understanding Yup Validation Schema

Yup is a popular JavaScript library used for validation and sanitization of data. It’s widely used in React and other JavaScript frameworks for validating user input data. Yup provides a powerful validation schema that allows you to define rules for your data, ensuring that it conforms to your expectations.

import { object, string } from 'yup';

const schema = object().shape({
  name: string().required(),
  email: string().email().required(),

In the above example, we’ve defined a Yup validation schema that validates an object with two properties: `name` and `email`. Both properties are required, and `email` must be a valid email address.

Conditional Fields in Yup Validation Schema

Conditional fields are a powerful feature in Yup that allow you to dynamically validate your data based on certain conditions. This is achieved using the `when` method, which allows you to specify a condition that must be met for a particular validation rule to be applied.

const schema = object().shape({
  isConfirmed: bool().required(),
  confirmationCode: string().when('isConfirmed', {
    is: true,
    then: string().required(),

In this example, the `confirmationCode` field is only required if the `isConfirmed` field is set to `true`. This is a simple example of a conditional field in Yup.

The Issue with Yup Validation Schema using Conditional Fields

So, what’s the issue with using Yup validation schema with conditional fields? The problem arises when you try to validate an object with conditional fields, and Yup gets confused about which fields to validate and when.

const data = {
  isConfirmed: true,
  confirmationCode: '',

try {
  await schema.validate(data);
} catch (error) {

In this example, we’re trying to validate an object with `isConfirmed` set to `true` and `confirmationCode` set to an empty string. You would expect Yup to throw an error because `confirmationCode` is required when `isConfirmed` is `true`. However, Yup might not always behave as expected, leading to frustration and confusion.

Solutions to the Issue

So, how can you overcome the issue with Yup validation schema using conditional fields? Here are some solutions to help you resolve the problem:

Use the `test` method instead of `when`

const schema = object().shape({
  isConfirmed: bool().required(),
  confirmationCode: string().test('confirmation-code', 'Confirmation code is required', function(value) {
    return !this.parent.isConfirmed || value.length > 0;

Instead of using the `when` method, we can use the `test` method to define a custom validation rule. This approach allows us to have more control over the validation logic and avoid the issues that can arise with `when`.

Use a separate validation schema for each condition

const schemaConfirmed = object().shape({
  confirmationCode: string().required(),

const schemaNotConfirmed = object().shape({});

const schema = object().shape({
  isConfirmed: bool().required(),
  confirmationCode: string(),
}).test('confirmation-code', 'Confirmation code is required', function(value) {
  if (this.parent.isConfirmed) {
    return schemaConfirmed.isValidSync(this.parent);
  } else {
    return schemaNotConfirmed.isValidSync(this.parent);

In this approach, we define separate validation schemas for each condition and use the `test` method to determine which schema to use based on the value of `isConfirmed`.

Use a third-party library like Yup Condition

import { yupCondition } from 'yup-condition';

const schema = object().shape({
  isConfirmed: bool().required(),
  confirmationCode: yupCondition({
    isConfirmed: bool(),
    then: string().required(),

Yup Condition is a third-party library that provides a more intuitive way of defining conditional fields in Yup. It allows you to define complex conditional logic with ease.

Best Practices for Using Yup Validation Schema with Conditional Fields

To avoid issues with Yup validation schema using conditional fields, follow these best practices:

  • Keep your validation schema simple and concise. Avoid complex conditional logic that can lead to confusion and errors.
  • Use the `test` method instead of `when`. The `test` method provides more control over the validation logic and can help you avoid issues with conditional fields.
  • Use separate validation schemas for each condition. This approach can help you avoid confusion and ensure that the correct validation rules are applied.
  • Test your validation schema thoroughly. Make sure to test your validation schema with different input data to ensure that it behaves as expected.
  • Use a third-party library like Yup Condition. Yup Condition can provide a more intuitive way of defining conditional fields in Yup.


In conclusion, using Yup validation schema with conditional fields can be a powerful way to validate your data, but it can also lead to issues if not used correctly. By following the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you can overcome the common issues that arise with Yup validation schema and conditional fields. Remember to keep your validation schema simple, use the `test` method, and test your validation schema thoroughly to ensure that it behaves as expected.

Solution Description
Use the `test` method Define a custom validation rule using the `test` method.
Use separate validation schemas for each condition Define separate validation schemas for each condition and use the `test` method to determine which schema to use.
Use a third-party library like Yup Condition Use a third-party library like Yup Condition to define conditional fields in Yup.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to using Yup validation schema with conditional fields. By following the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you can overcome the common issues that arise with Yup validation schema and conditional fields.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with Yup validation schema using conditional fields? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you overcome the hurdles.

How do I create a conditional validation rule in Yup?

You can create a conditional validation rule in Yup by using the `when` keyword. For example, `username: yup.string().when(‘isAdmin’, { is: true, then: yup.string().required() })`. This will make the `username` field required only when the `isAdmin` field is true.

How do I access the parent object in a Yup validation schema?

You can access the parent object in a Yup validation schema using the `context` object. For example, `yup.object().shape({ foo: yup.string().test(‘foo-check’, ‘Foo is required’, function(value) { return value || } ) })`. This will check if the `foo` field is required based on the value of the `bar` field in the parent object.

How do I validate an array of objects in Yup?

You can validate an array of objects in Yup using the `array` and `object` validators. For example, `yup.array().of(yup.object().shape({ foo: yup.string(), bar: yup.number() }))`. This will validate an array of objects, where each object must have a `foo` field of type string and a `bar` field of type number.

How do I use Yup with conditional fields and nested objects?

You can use Yup with conditional fields and nested objects by using the `when` keyword and accessing the parent object using `context`. For example, `yup.object().shape({ address: yup.object().when(‘isAdmin’, { is: true, then: yup.object().shape({ street: yup.string().required() }) }) })`. This will make the `street` field required in the `address` object only when the `isAdmin` field is true.

How do I debug Yup validation errors?

You can debug Yup validation errors by using the `validate` method and logging the error message. For example, `yup.object().validate(data, { abortEarly: false }).catch(err => console.error(err))`. This will log the error message and the path of the invalid field.