Solving the Error HttpFileFailedToRead when Copying Data from HTTP to Blob Storage in Microsoft Fabric pipeline
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Solving the Error HttpFileFailedToRead when Copying Data from HTTP to Blob Storage in Microsoft Fabric pipeline

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If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve encountered the frustrating Error HttpFileFailedToRead when trying to copy data from an HTTP source to Blob storage in your Microsoft Fabric pipeline. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the causes of this error, and provide step-by-step solutions to get your pipeline up and running smoothly.

What is the Error HttpFileFailedToRead?

The Error HttpFileFailedToRead is a common error that occurs when Azure Data Factory (ADF) or Azure Synapse Analytics (ASA) is unable to read a file from an HTTP source. This error can occur due to various reasons, including:

  • Invalid or malformed URLs
  • Authorization issues
  • File size limitations
  • Network connectivity problems
  • Unstable or intermittent HTTP connections

Common Scenarios Leading to Error HttpFileFailedToRead

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore some common scenarios that might lead to this error:

  1. Incomplete or malformed URLs: If the HTTP URL is incomplete, malformed, or contains special characters, ADF/ASA may struggle to connect and read the file, resulting in the error.

  2. Authentication and Authorization issues: Failing to provide the correct authentication credentials, such as API keys, access tokens, or username/password combinations, can prevent ADF/ASA from accessing the HTTP source.

  3. Large file sizes: When dealing with large files, ADF/ASA might time out or fail to read the file, leading to the error.

  4. Network connectivity issues: Unstable or intermittent network connections can cause ADF/ASA to lose its connection to the HTTP source, resulting in the error.

  5. HTTP connection timeouts: If the HTTP connection takes too long to establish or the server takes too long to respond, ADF/ASA may timeout and throw the error.

Solutions to Error HttpFileFailedToRead

Now that we’ve covered the possible causes and scenarios, let’s move on to the solutions:

Solution 1: Verify and Correct the HTTP URL

Make sure the HTTP URL is correct, complete, and does not contain any special characters that might cause issues. You can try:

  • Encoding the URL using URL encoding schemes (e.g., URL.encode() in Python)
  • Removing special characters and whitespace from the URL
  • Verifying the URL by accessing it directly in a browser or using a tool like Postman

Solution 2: Configure Authentication and Authorization

Ensure that you’ve provided the correct authentication credentials and configured them correctly in your ADF/ASA pipeline:

  • Double-check the API keys, access tokens, or username/password combinations
  • Verify the authentication method (e.g., OAuth, Basic Auth, etc.) and configure it correctly
  • Test the authentication credentials using a tool like Postman or cURL

Solution 3: Optimize File Size and Transfer

Large files can be challenging to transfer. Try:

  • Breaking down large files into smaller chunks and transferring them in parallel
  • Using a more efficient transfer protocol (e.g., parallel processing, chunking, etc.)
  • Increasing the ADF/ASA timeout settings to accommodate larger files

Solution 4: Resolve Network Connectivity Issues

To minimize the impact of network connectivity issues:

  • Implement retries and exponential backoff strategies to handle temporary network failures
  • Use a more reliable network connection or consider using a virtual network (VNet)
  • Migrate to a cloud-based storage solution (e.g., Azure Blob Storage) for more reliable data transfer

Solution 5: Handle HTTP Connection Timeouts

To avoid HTTP connection timeouts:

  • Increase the ADF/ASA timeout settings to accommodate slower HTTP connections
  • Implement connection pooling or persistent connections to reduce the overhead of establishing new connections
  • Use a more efficient HTTP client library that can handle timeouts and retries

Example Configuration for Azure Data Factory (ADF)

Here’s an example configuration for an HTTP connector in ADF:

  "name": "MyHttpConnector",
  "type": "Http",
  "typeProperties": {
    "url": "",
    "authentication": {
      "type": "Basic",
      "username": "myusername",
      "password": "mypassword"
    "requestMethod": "GET",
    "timeout": "00:10:00"

Example Configuration for Azure Synapse Analytics (ASA)

Here’s an example configuration for an HTTP connector in ASA:

  column1 STRING,
  column2 STRING
  LOCATION = '',
    Authentication = (
      AuthType = 'Basic',
      UserName = 'myusername',
      UserNameSecret = 'mypassword'


The Error HttpFileFailedToRead can be frustrating, but with these solutions and explanations, you should be able to identify and resolve the underlying issues. Remember to:

  • Verify and correct the HTTP URL
  • Configure authentication and authorization correctly
  • Optimize file size and transfer
  • Resolve network connectivity issues
  • Handle HTTP connection timeouts

By following these steps, you’ll be able to successfully copy data from an HTTP source to Blob storage in your Microsoft Fabric pipeline.

Solution Description
Verify and correct the HTTP URL Make sure the URL is complete and does not contain special characters
Configure authentication and authorization Provide correct authentication credentials and configure them correctly
Optimize file size and transfer Break down large files, use efficient transfer protocols, and increase timeouts
Resolve network connectivity issues Implement retries, use reliable network connections, and consider VNet or cloud storage
Handle HTTP connection timeouts Increase timeouts, use connection pooling, and implement retries

Hope this article has been helpful! If you have any further questions or need more assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common questions about the “Error HttpFileFailedToRead” issue when copying data from HTTP to Blob storage in Microsoft Fabric pipeline.

What is the “Error HttpFileFailedToRead” issue in Microsoft Fabric pipeline?

The “Error HttpFileFailedToRead” is an error that occurs when the Fabric pipeline fails to read the HTTP file while copying data from an HTTP source to a Blob storage sink. This error is often caused by issues with the HTTP connection, file permissions, or incorrect configuration.

What are the common causes of the “Error HttpFileFailedToRead” issue?

The common causes of the “Error HttpFileFailedToRead” issue include incorrect HTTP URL or credentials, file not found or inaccessible, network connectivity issues, and incorrectly configured data factory or pipeline.

How can I troubleshoot the “Error HttpFileFailedToRead” issue in Microsoft Fabric pipeline?

To troubleshoot the “Error HttpFileFailedToRead” issue, you can try verifying the HTTP URL and credentials, checking the file permissions and accessibility, testing the network connectivity, and reviewing the data factory or pipeline configuration.

Can I use retry policies to handle the “Error HttpFileFailedToRead” issue in Microsoft Fabric pipeline?

Yes, you can use retry policies to handle the “Error HttpFileFailedToRead” issue. By configuring a retry policy, you can specify the number of retries and the retry interval to help recover from temporary issues that may cause the error.

How can I prevent the “Error HttpFileFailedToRead” issue in Microsoft Fabric pipeline?

To prevent the “Error HttpFileFailedToRead” issue, make sure to test your HTTP URL and credentials, ensure file permissions and accessibility, and review your data factory or pipeline configuration before running the pipeline. Additionally, consider implementing retry policies and monitoring your pipeline for any issues.

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